Anne Marsh

USDA National Agroforestry Center

Anne Marsh is Director of the USDA National Agroforestry Center. As the Forest Service’s lead for agroforestry and manager of NAC’s personnel and resources, she is responsible for a team that leads, coordinates, catalyzes, and undertakes research and science-based outreach. The Center develops and delivers information to natural resource professionals working with farmers, ranchers, forest landowners, Tribes, and communities through publications, workshops, training, and demonstration sites. Anne works closely with Forest Service Research and Development, and State, Private and Tribal Forestry, and the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service as well as an extensive network of partners spanning universities, non-profit organizations, state and Federal agencies, Tribes, and conservation organizations to advance agroforestry. She has a doctorate in Plant Physiological Ecology/Ecosystem Ecology (Yale) and has enjoyed a career in the NGO arena (Smithsonian Environmental Research Center, Heinz Center), academia (John Hopkins), and at the Forest Service, previously as the national lead for climate change research. She is thrilled to focus on agroforestry at such an exciting time.