Batuhan Aydagul

Teacher Network - Turkey & University of Wisconsin - Madison

I am a student, practitioner, and scholar of education policy with twenty-five years of experience across schools, NGOs, and governmental agencies in different geographies. Before starting my ongoing doctorate studies at the University of Wisconsin - Madison, I was the director of the Education Reform Initiative (ERI), a Turkish non-governmental think-and-do-tank in education. In Wisconsin, my research interests involve critical policy analysis of K-12 and higher education policies focusing on the interplay between state and educational institutions. Teacher Network, an ecosystem of solidarity and cooperation among and with teachers in Turkey, has been my passion project since its research and ideation phase in 2015. Most recently, I completed a research study about how teachers affiliated with the Teacher Network made sense of and experienced their relationships with peers, highlighting the generative and transformative power of a collectivity built on mutual respect, appreciation, and care.