Dior St. Hillaire chairs the Bronx Solid Waste Advisory Board (SWAB), is Executive Co-Director of BK ROT, worker-owner at GreenFeen OrganiX, chairs the Microhaulers and Processors Trade Association (MPTA), and is an Urban Design Forum Forefront Fellow. With a long history of coalition building, policy analysis, and Environmental Justice advocacy she adds a unique approach to reimagining New York City's waste management system. Her vision to influence local policy and build capacity for local organics processing, is demonstrated in her organizing with other local Microhaulers. As a Hip Hop MC, Dior uses the arts to help residents of New York City establish a more sustainable relationship with the materials management industry, with the hope of eliminating the idea of waste. She believes that through arts and activism we can truly reimagine and engage circular systems that benefit the world and future generations to come.