Erin Rovalo

International Living Future Institute

I lead the Community Group at ILFI that includes membership, education, network, publishing, and events. As a team of teams, we steward and grow the Living Future Community with our members at the core among an extended community of advocates and allies. Our aim is to advance the professional practice and movement for regenerative buildings, products, and organizations. Key initiatives include the annual Living Future Conference, Living Future Accreditation (LFA), online course catalog, Living Future Membership and regional member communities, and Ecotone Publishing. Personally, I bring my reverence for nature's genius into my leadership style and use it as a compass for all my strategic work. I believe that our greatest opportunity to address the twin crises of climate and biodiversity loss is through nature-based, biomimicry, and biophilic design approaches. Throughout my career, my aim has been to grow and empower communities of practice with the knowledge, skills, and core values to achieve nature positive results and inspire broad ecological stewardship.