Jesse Marksohn

Yellowbud Farm

I am deeply inspired by how feasible it is to meet our needs from anthropogenic ecosystems that become more productive, diverse, and fertile as time passes. I am enamored by trees that reframe my understanding of what is possible with their resilience and dizzying generosity. They have shredded notions of an inherent destructiveness of our species that I once held and showed me the power we all have to create vibrance in our living landscape. I co-founded Yellowbud Farm to tell a story of how ecologically and economically significant improved crop bearing trees can be as we scale multifunctional conservation and agroforestry. I co-founded Northern Forest Foods with intentions to reduce the risk land tenders face when looking to implement these systems by creating a secure market for their crops. I am animated by the transformative possibilities humans hold as a beneficial keystone species when we work together to cultivate collective abundance.