Kate Glover

Earth Justice

Kate is on her second tour as an attorney with Earthjustice's Alaska office, where her work focuses on protecting the Tongass National Forest, reforming federal fisheries management in the North Pacific, and otherwise fighting to protect the incredible public lands of Alaska. During her break between stints with Earthjustice, she circumnavigated the Pacific Ocean with her husband on a 32-foot sailboat. After landing right back where she started, in Juneau, Alaska, she worked on a variety of issues in the legal department of the state legislature, advocated for Alaska Native communities facing climate-induced relocation at a small human rights organization, and then returned to Earthjustice. In her spare time, she enjoys exploring the old growth of the Tongass, carrying her skis to reach the ever-more elusive snow, packrafting, kayaking, and snuggling her dog, Scupper (who, despite his name, is not at all fond of the sailboat).