Kavitha Rao
Center for Whole Communities
As a daughter of immigrants to the US, I’ve always been curious about belonging and right relationship with the places I've called home. I live and raise my children in a small intergenerational community I co-founded and I have been a co-creator, mediator, and advisor to several other experiments in reparations, community, and stewarding land outside of status-quo ownership models. It has been humbling. The conflicts that emerge are directly tied to the wounding we have experienced within this economy and supremacy culture. My understanding of transformation, healing, building community, and using creativity to attempt repair is deeply influenced by ayurveda and yoga. I give thanks to all I’ve learned with my team at Center for Whole Communities and from my mentor Lillie Allen of Be Present. Some of my other places of practice are the Emergent Strategy Ideation Institute , Soul Fire Farm; and Wildseed Community Farm and Healing Village.