As a Boulder native, I am fortunate to serve my hometown as a program manager on the Circular Economy Team in the Climate Initiatives Department. I am also "compost lead" for the city, actively participating on the Colorado Composting Council's (COCC) Leadership Team, as liaison to the US Composting Council's (USCC) Legislative and Environmental Advocacy Committee (LEAC) and an observing member of the Institute for Local Self-Reliance's (ILSR) Community Composter Coalition (CCC). In my more than eight years with this city team, I was previously primarily engaged with outreach, implementation and enforcement around Boulder's Universal Zero Waste Ordinance (UZWO), through which a 97% compliance and 54% landfill diversion rate were achieved. I also managed several related partner contracts and programs, including the popular and successful Green Bag Giveaway (GBG). I now seek materials management solutions that change systems, going beyond waste diversion to keep materials in circulation at their highest value for as long as possible. Through internal and external collaboration, I aspire to develop the framework for a community-based organics management strategy in Boulder that supports our goals around circularity, climate adaptation and resilience, and equity. Personally, I am a nature loving, animal advocating, former professional brewer with down to earth yet solution-oriented sensibilities. I love walking in all its forms - strolling, commuting, hiking - and yoga keeps me loose both mentally and physically. I am also content to curl up on the couch for Saturday movie nights with my human partner and feline daughter.