Scaling Agroforestry in the United States

June 2024



retreat focus

Build momentum for scaling up agroforestry as a climate, biodiversity, food security and rural development solution in the United States

America’s grasslands support a significant percentage of imperiled biodiversity and they provide key ecosystem services essential for resilient landscapes. Sadly, grasslands are highly fragmented, often go unnoticed, have been replaced by agricultural and forested landscapes, and are critically endangered.  

This retreat brings together a range of grassland stakeholders to help raise the profile of America's grasslands like never before. It is designed to help us imagine new strategies to protect, restore, and elevate grasslands. We also wish to daylight the incredibly rich connection and stories of America's grasslands to long-term biodiversity, culture, human health, and landscape resilience. This effort seeks to positively impact grasslands nationwide, from California to Maine and Washington to Florida. 

The Participants

  • Arthur Middleton

    UC Berkeley and US Department of Agriculture

  • Ashley Muse

    Volgenau Climate Initiative

  • Aviva Glaser

    National Wildlife Federation

  • Corlee Thomas-Hill

    Southeastern Grasslands Institute

  • Damian Rawoot

    The Nature Conservancy

  • Daniel Suarez

    Audubon Great Lakes

  • Dayton Duncan


  • Dwayne Estes

    Southeastern Grasslands Institute

  • Greg Curtis

    Holdfast Collective

  • Jaime González

    The Nature Conservancy, Texas

  • John Bowman

    Cornell Lab of Ornithology

  • John Seymour

    Roundstone Native Seed LLC

  • Julia Rosen


  • Justin Pepper

    Bobolink Foundation

  • Katharine Millonzi

    Volgenau Climate Initiative

  • Kristine Tompkins

    Tompkins Conservation

  • Kyle Lybarger

    Native Habitat Project

  • Lauren Yarmuth

    Lauren Yarmuth

    Volgenau Climate Initiative

  • Lisa Schulte Moore

    Iowa State University

  • Marshall Johnson

    National Audubon Society

  • Martha Kauffman

    World Wildlife Fund (WWF)

  • Monica Rattling Hawk

    World Wildlife Fund - Northern Great Plains

  • Nick Lapham

    BAND Foundation

  • Philip Juras

    Independent Artist

  • Raphael Bemporad


  • Reed Noss

    Southeastern Grasslands Institute

  • Rodrigo Sierra Corona

    Borderlands Restoration Network

  • Shaun Grassel

    Buffalo Nations Grasslands Alliance

  • Sunny Fleming


  • Tammy VerCauteren

    Bird Conservancy of the Rockies

  • Tim Merry

    The Outside

  • Tracy Frist

    The Farm at Sinking Creek

  • Wendy Paulson

    Bobolink Foundation


Inspiration and Resources

A Healthy Nature Handbook: Illustrated insights for Ecological Restoration from Volunteer Stewards of Chicago Wilderness. Edited by Justin Pepper and Don Parker.

Audubon Conservation Ranching website – this relatively new program has already enrolled nearly 3 million acres of privately-owned grasslands in the USA. The program certifies land and beef as “bird-friendly” and through development of sustainable and regenerative grazing practices.

Blood Memory, by Dayton Duncan & Ken Burns

"Bringing Back Piedmont Prairies" video, Piedmont Prairie Partnership

Buffalo National Grasslands Alliance: Who We Are video

Cornell Lab of Ornithology: Center for Conservation Media

Citizens for Conservation Website – local land trust based in the Chicago suburbs who performs some of the highest quality prairie restorations in the region using almost only volunteer labor.

Friends of Nachusa Grasslands website – this TNC-owned property ~2 hours west of Chicago contains some of the highest quality prairie restorations in the region. It also employs an innovative volunteer stewardship model that empowers community members to restore no matter their age or qualifications.

Forgotten Grasslands of the South, Reed F. Noss, Island Press book

Forgotten Landscapes: Bringing Back the Rich Grasslands of the Southeast, Yale Environment360, by Janet Marinelli

Grasslands Store Abundant Carbon, Reed F. Noss and Joseph W. Veldman

Grassland intactness outcompetes species as a more efficient surrogate in conservation design, Jason D. Tack, et al.

Grassland: The History, Biology, Politics and Promise of the American Prairie, Richard Manning

Leading Regenerative Brands: Five Paradigm Shifts to Thrive in a World in Flux, GlobeScan

Locating potential historical fire-maintained grasslands of the eastern United States based on topography and wind speed, Brice B. Hanberry and Reed F. Noss

Philip Juras Exhibits

Plowprint Report, WWF

Protecting Our Prairies, Tyler J. Lark

Saving Our Grasslands, WWF

Southeastern Grasslands Institute: video

TREES ARE OVERRATED: Preserving the world’s great expanses of grass could be essential to combatting climate change, Julia Rosen

Thinking Like a Grassland, David Augustine, Ana Davidson, Kristin Dickinson, Bill Van Pelt 

Video on prairie strips in farmland with Lisa Schulte Moore

When Chopping Down Trees is a Gift to the Environment, NY Times, Robert Langellier