Commissioner, Dekalb County, Georgia 

District 6 Commissioner Ted Terry represents half of the County, with portions of South, Central and North DeKalb, totaling approximately 350,000 residents. Committed to his platform and motto of “Together, We Can Move DeKalb Forward,” he diligently focuses on affordable housing, transit equity, voting rights, criminal justice reform, productive urban landscapes, and health equity. 

Commissioner Terry serves as the Chair of the Employee Relations and Public Safety (ERPS) and on the Public Works and Infrastructure (PWI) Committee. He has also served as the Chair of County Operations (OPS) Committee and the Finance and Budget (FAB) Committee.

Since beginning office in 2021, Commissioner Terry has sponsored the creation of the Green Policy Committee and the DeKalb Community Election Committee. He has also introduced legislation to:

  • Adopt safe gun storage ordinance to impact and prevent accidental injuries and deaths

  • Adopt a resolution to establish an Advisory Committee of the Board of Commissioners to explore and make recommendations related to affordable housing within DeKalb County

  • Adopt a resolution to support Ukraine and our Ukrainian citizens, standing in solidarity to condemning the brutal attack by the Russian Leadership, urging an immediate and peaceful resolve, and until then, supporting President Biden’s Administration in sanctions and export controls.

In his capacity as a commissioner, he serves on the DeKalb Community Service Board (CSB) and as a member of the Resilience Advisory Board and Large Urban County Caucus with the National Association of County Officials (NACo).

Additionally, he is the First Vice-Chair for the Democratic Party of Georgia and on the advisory board for the Global Village Project.

To learn more about Commissioner Terry, his initiatives and how to stay up to date on the latest from his office, visit www.commissionertedterry.com.

Follow the Commissioner on social media:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/commissionertedterry
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/commissionertedterry/
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@commissionerted